Wednesday 6 November 2013

Homely friends

friends that i've lost.
i'll turn the world upside down if i must.
to bring you back to my life at all cost.
your memories were once like a blazin' fire,
burning hatred along with all worldly desire
but in the cause of ur absence it all turned to dust.
Friends,ready i'm to pay the price
and if fate shud cast the discouragn dice,
never will i give up but try again twice.
Losin' you made me empty, renderin' my dreams useless,
makin me feast with unknown faces of horror.
Lost friends i'll find you all. Verily, before night falls.
And when your ears become deafnin' to worldly lies,
you shall hear me call 
and whoever or whatsoever that took you away from me
at the reunion of love and trust shall fall
 we shall remain united while we stand tall.
 I love you all.

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