Tuesday 22 July 2014

Psalms Of Penitence ... Part 1.

I want to fall down in your presence
I want to gravel at your feet
To feel you gracious unending fragrance
O LORD I want to have your mercy to meet
Your breathlessness is wholesome to my existence
I desire to worship you beyond what defines earth
You cannot change yet you change things that seem unchangeable
You cannot die yet you give life to what is dead
Enrich my soul; feed my righteousness with everlasting grace
My sin has overwhelmed me beyond tears
I have willingly neglected righteousness 
I seek no other means of life than to bury myself in your words
My heart is empty
My vision is cloudy
My goals are aimless
My dreams are void
My feet are lost
O LORD hear my cry
A relentless plea for revival
A sinful soul clamming for survival
I am drowning in the ocean of my regrettable past
I am waiting helplessly in the labyrinth of my non rewriteable present
O LORD hear my plea. Save me. 
My reproach is stench even unto me, let alone you.
I .... am ready to be saved. Hear me!!!! (nakedly weeping) ... 

To Be Continued....